REMIO - Resource Mobilization for International Organizations

REMIO:  Bringing fresh ideas to raise significant, sustainable and scalable resources for international organizations. You think we live in a time of resource scarcity?  That is true only for bad ideas.


Design of Financing Tools

Whaydon specializes in crafting innovative financing mechanisms tailored to the unique needs of international organizations. Our team collaborates closely with clients to understand their goals and challenges, ensuring that each tool is customized for maximum impact. From blended finance models to sustainable investment funds, we develop solutions that drive resource mobilization effectively.


Proofing Innovative Instruments

At Whaydon, we rigorously test and validate innovative financial instruments before their implementation. Our proofing process involves detailed feasibility studies, risk assessments, and pilot projects to ensure that new instruments are robust, scalable, and sustainable. By mitigating risks and proving efficacy, we help our clients confidently launch groundbreaking financing solutions.


Stakeholder Analysis

Effective resource mobilization requires a deep understanding of the landscape of stakeholders. Whaydon conducts comprehensive stakeholder analyses to identify and engage key actors, including government agencies, private sector partners, and civil society organizations. We provide insights into stakeholder interests, influence, and potential contributions, enabling our clients to build strategic alliances and enhance their resource mobilization efforts.


Launching and Monitoring New Financial Instruments

Launching new financial instruments requires strategic planning and ongoing oversight. Whaydon supports clients through every step of the process, from initial rollout to long-term monitoring and evaluation. We provide expertise in project management, performance tracking, and impact assessment to ensure that new instruments achieve their intended outcomes and adapt to changing conditions.

"These practice areas demonstrate Whaydon's commitment to empowering international organizations with innovative, effective resource mobilization strategies. Our tailored services are designed to meet the complex needs of clients operating in developing and conflict-affected regions."

Julien Serre


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